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Save costs: This is what you need to pay attention to when insuring electric cars

Save costs: This is what you need to pay attention to when insuring electric cars - e-autovergleich.com

The costs of car insurance for electric cars are often up to 25 percent lower than the prices for comparable combustion engine models. This makes a price difference of almost 170 euros per year.

The following article shows what you should pay attention to in detail when insuring an electric car.

Consistently lower annual premiums for electric cars

Independent comparisons of different insurance scenarios have already clearly shown that electric cars are significantly cheaper to insure than combustion engines. The differences in costs are on average between eight and 25 percent. At 25 percent, this would mean an annual saving of almost 170 euros.

The comparison mentioned takes into account the five cheapest insurance offers for combustion models and the five cheapest electric car tariffs. Incidentally, a small electric car is particularly cheap to insure.

How much can you actually save on car insurance with electric cars?

As a rule, the formula can be applied that the insurance premium for a vehicle is higher, the more expensive it is to purchase.

However, the particularly low costs for vehicle insurance in the area of ​​electric cars can be attributed primarily to the high competitive pressure from individual insurance providers. They would like to take advantage of the particularly favorable offers in order to establish themselves firmly in a market that is currently still developing.

According to experts, however, this trend could end again quite quickly - namely when electric vehicles actually become the norm on German roads. It is therefore assumed that the insurance tariffs for combustion engines and electric cars will become increasingly similar in the coming years.

The battery in particular needs sufficient protection

Those who choose a cheap insurance tariff for their electric car do not have to worry about experiencing a loss in performance. Nowadays you can find many different insurance tariffs for electric cars, the services and prices of which are equally impressive. These are still below the average price level.

In electric cars, the battery is the most important and by far the most expensive component. For this very reason, the battery must be adequately protected, for example against damage caused by overvoltage caused by lightning strikes or animal bites and also against short circuits.

Insurance should also cover damage that occurs as a result of removals. The electricity in electric vehicles is generated via their drive axle. This is often affected during the towing process. As a result, short circuits occur that can significantly damage the battery. Since the purchase costs for a new battery are relatively high, fully comprehensive insurance with purchase price or replacement value reimbursement is often the right choice.

Basically, the same recommendations apply to electric cars as to other vehicles: The insurance should include protection in the event of gross negligence, the so-calledMallorca policy , and extended protection against damage caused by wild animals.

Before taking out insurance: Always compare carefully

But regardless of what type of drive the vehicle may have, drivers should never forego a comprehensive comparison of the various insurance tariffs before making their final decision.

Depending on the respective model, this can save between 29 and 32 percent of the costs. These values ​​result in savings of up to 205 euros in the middle tariff segment.

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